A building or land can be listed as an asset of community value if, in the council’s opinion, its use furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. It must also be realistic to say that it will continue to do so in the next five years, whether or not in the same way as before.
If an asset is included on the list, the owner cannot sell it or grant a lease of more than 25 years without advising the council. An asset is on the list for five years.
Nominating an asset
Only eligible community groups can nominate for an asset to be included on the list. Community groups include:
- parish councils
- voluntary organisations with an established local connection with Slough
- community organisations with an established local connection with Slough.
The nomination form can be downloaded and returned to Team Leader Asset Management, 25 Windsor Road, Slough, SL1 2EL.
If you have problems accessing this form, email assetmanagement@slough.gov.uk.
Those nominating an asset need to show:
- how the asset will enhance social wellbeing through alleviating poverty, creating employment, improving health or increase educational attainment
- how the asset will enhance social interests, which includes cultural, recreational and sport
- they have the skills, plans, management structure, resources and finance in place to manage the asset.
The council assesses the nomination against the above criteria. The administration of the registration process is led by the Team Leader Asset Management.
Other community groups and successful nominations
Other community groups can apply to acquire land or property that has already been successfully nominated by another community group(s).
The owner of the asset
Before the asset is added to the list, the council will advise the owner, in writing, of the nomination. The owner can request an internal review and appeal. If the owner does not object or if the internal review or the appeal is unsuccessful, the asset will be added to the asset list.
The request for the internal review should be made in writing, explaining why you disagree, to the Team Leader, Asset Management, Slough Borough Council, Observatory House, 25 Windsor Road, Slough, SL1 2EL.
If you want to appeal against the decision, you can do so in writing to: Assistant Director, Regeneration, Observatory House, 25 Windsor Road, Slough, SL1 2EL.
When the asset is for sale
The owner of an asset of community value is obliged to let the council know if and when they intend to sell their property.
If the council is told that an asset on the list is for sale, we will then write to the group(s) that nominated the asset and advertise the proposed sale on this webpage.
Formal applications to acquire the asset need to be submitted to the council within six weeks. In this time the owner cannot sell the asset.
If no applications are received within six weeks, the owner can go ahead and sell the asset privately.
If an application is approved by the council, the owner will be advised that the asset cannot be sold for a further six months pending the community group raising capital and submitting a credible business plan. Even after the six months, please note the owner is not obliged to sell the asset to an eligible community group. The owner is free to sell the asset to anyone they choose.