Housing options for young people

Facts about leaving home

You may have been told by your friends that you will get a council flat if you tell us your family has kicked you out. The truth is that you will not. There is a shortage of social housing in Slough and a long waiting list of people already on the Housing Register. You can apply to go on this list at 16 but will have a long wait, even if you are accepted on the Register, having met all the criteria.

All letting agents and landlords will ask you to pay a rent deposit and rent in advance and you will get asked to provide a guarantor too. A guarantor is an adult who will be responsible for your property if you cannot pay the rent, or if you cause any damage. The guarantor must be in full-time employment and usually have a minimum earnings level.

Moving out and maintaining your home once you have your own place is very expensive. On top of your deposit and rent in advance you will also need to pay for the following things every month:

  • rent
  • council tax
  • water charges
  • electricity and/or gas
  • internet, phone and TV
  • TV licence
  • mobile phones
  • food
  • clothing
  • cleaning products.

If you do still feel that you have to move out and are worried about how you will cope with all these bills and expenses, the Young People’s Service may be able to support you with an advisor who can help you with money management like free budgeting and benefits advice. If you are aged 16-19 (or 25 with a statement of Special Education Needs) then an advisor is available for information, advice and guidance drop in sessions which take place at various venues across Slough. Call us on 01753 875510 if you would like to make an appointment.