Food hygiene rating for businesses

Demonstrate food is handled hygienically

You can do this by showing, for example, that:

  • staff have high standards of personal hygiene
  • you have control measures to prevent cross contamination
  • you store foods at the correct temperature
  • you cook, reheat and cool foods properly.


Premises should be: 

  • a suitable structure which is clean and in good repair throughout 
  • adequately lit, naturally or artificially 
  • adequate ventilated, naturally or artificially 
  • a structure proofed against pest entry.

Documentation and evidence

Legally, food businesses must provide documentary evidence that the food they produce is safe. This should: 

  • identify and show an understanding of the food safety hazards
  • provide evidence that measures have been taken to effectively control these hazards and that these measures are regularly reviewed
  • provide evidence that all food handlers are supervised and instructed and/or trained in food hygiene matters.

The Food Standards Agency has produced systems to help create a documented food safety management system – Safer food, better business or Safe Catering.

These are suitable for many types of food business, but not all.

Contact us to discuss which food safety management system is right for your business.

Contact Food and Safety

Email is the preferred method of contact. The team aims to respond within five working days.

Contact the food and safety team