The role of the local authority
Slough has approx. 14,000 trees plus areas of woodland.
The Council has a proactive approach to tree and hedge maintenance on highway, footway, parks and open spaces mainly through programmed works.
Council owned trees are inspected by a specialist on a three year cycle. This is required to fulfill its obligations to ensure the safety of the public and properties.
The type of maintaining works undertaken depends on the tree’s location, the trees structure and the species of tree. The minimum pruning works will be undertaken in order to sufficiently manage the tree. This may often only involve removing the lower branches to increase clearance for pedestrians and vehicle traffic, and/or cutting back the branches from adjacent buildings.
We will maintain our trees and hedges to a safe condition and will:
- carry out routine inspections of all council owned trees;
- carry out tri-annual pruning regimes;
- remove dead, dying and dangerous trees;
- remove dangerous and damaged limbs;
- prune branches where an actionable nuisance is being caused i.e. damage to structures;
- investigate any enquiry relating to safety within five working days, or 24 hours if urgent.
The council has no obligation to:
- prune back or remove overhanging branches other than to abate an actionable nuisance;
- prune or fell trees in order to improve light to a property;
- prune or fell to enable a TV signal;
- prune or fell trees to improve the view from a property.
The Council will not remove a tree or undertake pruning works where there is no good arboricultural reason to do so.