Building a more diverse early years and childcare workforce

Early years and childcare workforce

Across the country less than two per cent of the early years workforce is male. Whilst in Slough we are slightly above the national average at three per cent, we recognise that more male role models are needed for children in early years settings.

We are keen to improve these statistics for Slough, so if you are male and are considering working in childcare, or thinking about changing career, please talk to us. Men working in the sector have a great deal to offer and provide opportunities for a more gender balanced workforce. Children need good role models, both make and female, but nationally men only make up two per cent of the early years and childcare workforce. Men in childcare can encourage different approaches to learning and play and provide a positive balance for children. They can reduce the gender stereotypes and change perceptions of the childcare industry.

Why not come along to our next information session to find out more, or call us or email for some advice on how to take the first steps – 01753 476554,