- Item
- Tree Survey (AIA, AMS, Tree Protection Plan)
- Requirements/further guidance
This is a local requirement. If you have ticked yes under Q7 on the application form. Failure to provide a tree survey, or to incorrectly complete Q7, can often delay the determination of an application so please check carefully.
Any trees on or immediately adjacent a proposed development, either within the application site or on the edge of the application site, should be accurately shown on a scaled site/block plan. The species, position of trees and canopy spread should be accurately shown. Existing trees should be retained wherever practicable and protected during the construction of development.
For trees with a diameter greater than 75 mm within influencing distance of the proposed development a Tree Survey/Report will be required. This report must be compliant with BS5837: 2012 – ‘Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations,’ and must include an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA), Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) and Tree Protection Plan. This information should be prepared by a qualified Arboriculturist.