Antisocial behaviour fixed penalty notice (FPN)
A fixed penalty notice or FPN is ticket or "fine" issued by an authorised enforcement officer, such as a community warden or a trading standards officer to a person who has committed a criminal offence. They can be issued for anti social behaviour, such as being in breach of a:
- Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)
- Community Protection Notice (CPN).
They can also be issued for environmental offences like littering or fly-tipping.
You can get the notice on the spot or by post after the event.
Paying your FPN
You must pay a fixed penalty notice (FPN) within 14 days but your fine will be reduced if you pay within 10 days.
FPNs must be paid in full. We do not accept part payments or payment plans.
The FPN notice includes information about how to pay. You can also pay online.
You will need
- Your FPN number
- A credit or debit card to make the payment.
You will also need to create an account.
By paying this fine, you agree that you have committed the offence and no further action will be taken against you. It also means that you can avoid being prosecuted in the criminal courts and receiving a criminal conviction.
Once the FPN has been paid, the case will be closed. If you commit the same offence again, you may face court action.
What happens if I don't pay?
You might be prosecuted and have to pay more if you do not pay your penalty on time.
There is no formal appeal process for an FPN. We may take you to court if you do not pay.
If you think your FPN has been wrongly issued, please contact the issuing officer using the contact information on your notice. Alternatively, you can email