Domestic abuse and sexual violence - help and support

Phone numbers and websites

If you feel threatened or in danger at any time call 999 immediately.

Key contacts

Organisation / link to website Telephone number
Make a Domestic Abuse Referral to Hestia
Hestia (Slough Domestic abuse service) 01753 477352
(opening hours 9am-5pm)
National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 (24 hours a day)
Slough Children First 01753  477321
Victims First 0300 1234 148
Family Information Service - Domestic Abuse advice 01753 476589
Thames Valley Police 101 (non-emergency)
IMKAAN (Domestic violence against women and girls)  
Karma Nirvana (honour based violence and forced marriage support service) 0800 5999 247
LGBT DA Helpline (Galop) 0800 999 5428
Mankind (for male survivors) 01823 334 244
The Men's Advice Line (for male survivors) 0808 801 0327
National Stalking Helpline 0808 802 0300
Respect (if you have hurt loved ones) 0808 8024040

Other useful contacts

Organisation / link to website Telephone number
The Female Genital Mutilation Helpline 0800 028 3550
Forced Marriage Unit 0207 008 0151
Honour Based Violence & Force Marriage Helpline 0800 5999247
ChildLine 0800 11 11
Citizens Advice Bureau 

Slough freephone number: 08081697766
Slough local number: 01753 981040
National help to claim advice: 0800 144 8444

Community Mental Health Team (The Gateway) 0300 365 2000
NCDV (24 hr Injunction Service) 0800 970 2070
NSPCC Adult Helpline 0808 800 5000
Slough Drug Services (Turning Point) 01753 692548
Hope After Harm – Support to victims, offenders and families impacted by the Criminal Justice System -
Survivors UK (for male survivors) 020 3598 3898
Slough Samaritans 01753 531011
Young People's Service 01753 875510

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