Council budget and spending

How council tax and business rates are spent


Council tax and business rates where the money goes 2025-26. Breakdown given in main text.

The graph shows how every £1 budgeted is spent:

  • 27p pays for Adult Social Care services
  • 29p pays for Children's Services
  • 12p pays for Regeneration, Housing and Environment services
  • 2p pays for Chief Exec's Office
  • 8p pays for Corporate Services
  • 2p pays for other Council services
  • 3p pays for Other Corporate Budgets
  • 3p pays for the Pension Deficit
  • 8p pays for Minimum Revenue Provision
  • 6p pays for Capital Financing

Where does the money come from?

The budget required to support the Services provided by the Council is £175.728 million. The 2023/24 figures have been restated to reflect movement from reserves, a in the funding section. The funding sources for the council budget are detailed below:

Source of funding 2024/25
Total Budget Requirement £160,202 100% £175,728 100%
LESS: Sources of Funding includes £15.709m capitalisation direction £78,951 49% £89,037 51%
Council Tax Requirement excluding Parishes £81,251 51% £86,691 49%

Budget Table

2023/24 Budget £000 Services 2024/25 Budget £000
42,203 Adults Services 46,855
11,989 Children's Services 12,037
36,791 Slough Children First 38,353
19,401 Regeneration, Housing & Environment 21,015
900 Public Health & Public Protection 1,302
6,068 Chief Exec's Office 2,800
1,916 Law and Governance 2,099
18,050 Corporate Services 14,894
22,884 Corporate 36,373
160,202 Budget Requirement 175,728
(78,951) Other Sources of Finance (includes £15.709m capitalisation direction) (89,037)
81,251 Council Tax Requirement excluding Parishes 86,691
193 Local Parishes 264
81,444 Total Council Tax Requirement including Parishes 86,955

How the Budget has changed

Budget details £000
2024/25 Budget (Restated) 160,202
Recognised cost pressures and sevice growth requirements 27,500
Savings (11,974)
2025/26 Budget 175,728
Net increase in budget 15,526

Payments made for levies and parish precepts

Budget details 2024/25
Environment agency for Flood Defence (Flood defence levy is included in the Regeneration, Housing and Environment budget). 102.1 107.5
Britwell Parish 56.4 59.5
Colnbrook with Poyle Parish 93.6 93.6
Wexham Court Parish 42.8 110.7

The council tax booklet explains how we work out your council tax and where the money goes.