Council tax support scheme

Each year, Cabinet are legally obliged to approve the council tax support scheme for working age households even if there are no changes to it.

On March 8 Slough Borough Council agreed to continue the income-banded council tax support scheme for working age people for 2021/22. The scheme remains unchanged with the exception of the previously agreed uprating of the income bands to match the percentage increase in personal allowance within the applicable amounts for Housing Benefit for the upcoming financial year.

Income-banded council tax support scheme

The scheme continues to consider whether working age people should pay in the region of 20% to 100% of their council tax depending on their income and who is in their household.

For more information on the new scheme please visit the calculating your benefit page or visit the link below to download the guidance for this policy.

We are unable to change the way in which we award council tax support to pension-aged people, as those rules are set by central Government.

Please note that Council Tax Support cannot help with water charges. It also cannot help you pay a mortgage. You will need to contact the Department for Work and Pensions if you need help with this.

If you need any further information or wish to discuss your specific circumstances, please contact the benefits helpline on 01753 475111 or book an appointment at one of our community hubs.

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