Council tax support appeals

The Valuation Tribunal

If you still disagree with a council tax support decision after you have disputed the decision with us and we have explained it or changed it, you can lodge an appeal directly to the Valuation Tribunal within 2 months of the date of our letter.

Please ask our staff for an appeal form which you must complete and send to: The Valuation Tribunal 2nd Floor, Black Lion House 45 Whitechapel Road London E1 1DU

You can also send your appeal by email to: The Valuation Tribunal’s phone number for any queries is: 0300 123 2035.

When the Valuation Tribunal receive your appeal they will send you an acknowledgment. The Valuation Tribunal will also send you an enquiry form asking for more information from you.

The Valuation Tribunal will contact Slough Borough Council to tell us that you have lodged an appeal and may also ask us to respond to the appeal. A copy of any papers that Slough Borough Council sends to the Tribunal will be sent to you.

If you have asked for an oral hearing, the Tribunal will arrange for a Hearing, the Valuation Tribunal will arrange the venue, the date and time of the hearing and will write to you with details. If neither you or Slough Borough Council have requested an oral hearing, the appeal may be decided by the Tribunal at a ‘paper hearing’ based on the evidence that it has received.

An advice centre like the Citizen’s Advice Bureau can give you free advice. If you decide to use a solicitor, Slough Borough Council will not cover the cost and you cannot get any money for things like solicitors fees from the Valuation Tribunal either.

The hearing

At the Tribunal Hearing three lay people, who are usually volunteers, will consider your appeal. They will look at the evidence in line with the local council tax reduction scheme in light of the decision you are appealing against.

A presenting officer from the council may also attend the hearing to present the case from the billing authority’s point of view. You will be given the opportunity to present your side of the case to the panel.

After the Tribunal has considered all the evidence from an oral or paper hearing, it will reach a decision. You will receive a copy of the decision with a guidance booklet as soon as possible either on the day of the Hearing or after the hearing. The Valuation Tribunal aim to send their decision within one month of the hearing.