Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code - self assessment 2024

Section 3 - Accessibility and awareness

Code provision 3.1

Code requirement

Landlords must make it easy for residents to complain by providing different channels through which they can make a complaint. Landlords must consider their duties under the Equality Act 2010 and anticipate the needs and reasonable adjustments of residents who may need to access the complaints process.




Housing service complaints policy.

3.2 Complaints will be accepted in any way, including (but not limited to):

  • verbally (either by phone or face to face)
  • by email
  • via the council’s website
  • through social media
  • through an advocate, friend or family member where the resident's authority to do so has been obtained (see 3.6 for complaints on behalf of deceased residents)
  • in writing.

3.6 A complaint can be made on behalf of a resident who has passed away. In these cases, we will accept complaints from the executor or administrator of the deceased resident’s estate (the complainant will need to supply documentation proving their status). In cases where the resident died intestate, we will accept a complaint from a Next of Kin (the complainant will need to supply documentation confirming they are the Next of Kin).

All Slough Borough Council members of staff must complete mandatory Equality in the workplace training which is renewed yearly.

Commentary / explanation

This is set out in 3.2 and 3.6 of the Housing Service Complaints Policy.

Code provision 3.2

Code requirement

Residents must be able to raise their complaints in any way and with any member of staff. All staff must be aware of the complaints process and be able to pass details of the complaint to the appropriate person within the landlord.




Housing service complaints policy.

3.2 Complaints will be accepted in any way, including (but not limited to):

  • verbally (either by phone or face to face)
  • by email
  • via the council’s website
  • through social media
  • through an advocate, friend or family member where the resident's authority to do so has been obtained (see 3.6 for complaints on behalf of deceased residents)
  • in writing.

3.6 A complaint can be made on behalf of a resident who has passed away. In these cases, we will accept complaints from the executor or administrator of the deceased resident’s estate (the complainant will need to supply documentation proving their status). In cases where the resident died intestate, we will accept a complaint from a Next of Kin (the complainant will need to supply documentation confirming they are the Next of Kin).

9.2 All Council officers in relevant services (including sub-contractors/partner organisations) will be aware of the complaint's procedure relating to the Council’s housing management function and be able to advise residents on how to access the process and what they can expect.

9.3 It is the responsibility of all managers to ensure that officers are aware of the complaints process, how it can be accessed and how complaints relating to housing management services are managed.

Commentary / explanation

This is set out in 3.2, 3.6,9.2 and 9.3 of the Housing Services Complaints Policy.

As part of the work of the task and finish group that has been set up to review the Policy, Process and procedure we will include staff awareness as part of the training by March 2025.

Code provision 3.3

Code requirement

High volumes of complaints must not be seen as a negative, as they can be indicative of a well-publicised and accessible complaints process.  Low complaint volumes are potentially a sign that residents are unable to complain.




Slough Borough Council currently do not benchmark their complaints data against local boroughs, this is an area that will be reviewed which will include housing services.

Commentary / explanation

Slough Borough Council will be reviewing their approach to complaints handling and will include this by March 2025.

Code provision 3.4

Code requirement

Landlords must make their complaint policy available in a clear and accessible format for all residents. This will detail the two-stage process, what will happen at each stage, and the timeframes for responding. The policy must also be published on the landlord’s website.




Housing service complaints policy.

The policy is published on the council website and is easily accessible. It is a 2-stage process and details who will manage and respond to complaints. All complaints will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt and:

  • responded to within 10 working days at Stage 1 of the process 
  • reviewed and responded to within 20 working days at Stage 2 of the process.

This is detailed under the Housing Service Complaints Policy:

  • Section 5. Stage 1 Complaints
  • Section 6. Stage 2 Management Review
  • Section 7. Stage 2 Complaint Response
  • Section 8 .Residents' Complaints Panel.

The Slough Borough Council website has an Accessibility tab which provides information. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:

  • change colours, contrast levels and fonts
  • zoom in up to 400% without the text spilling off the screen
  • navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
  • navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
  • listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and Voiceover).

We have also made the website text as simple as possible to understand.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

Commentary / explanation

This is set out in section 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Housing Service Complaints Policy.

Code provision 3.5

Code requirement

The policy must explain how the landlord will publicise details of the complaints policy, including information about the Ombudsman and this Code.




Housing service complaints policy.

9. Complaints Policy and Procedures.

9.1 The council will promote this complaints policy and process to all Council tenants and leaseholders. This promotion will include:

  • information on the council’s website
  • information in any resident newsletter
  • routine communications, including emails and letters.

9.4 The Housing Ombudsman service will be widely promoted alongside the complaints process so that residents are aware that they can access the support provided by the Ombudsman.

Commentary / explanation

This is set out in section 9.1 and 9.4 of the Housing Service Complaints Policy.

Code provision 3.6

Code requirement

Landlords must give residents the opportunity to have a representative deal with their complaint on their behalf, and to be represented or accompanied at any meeting with the landlord. 




Housing service complaints policy.

3.2 Complaints will be accepted in any way, including (but not limited to):

  • verbally (either by phone or face to face)
  • by email
  • via the council’s website
  • through social media
  • through an advocate, friend or family member where the resident's authority to do so has been obtained (see 3.6 for complaints on behalf of deceased residents)
  • in writing.

3.6 A complaint can be made on behalf of a resident who has passed away. In these cases, we will accept complaints from the executor or administrator of the deceased resident’s estate (the complainant will need to supply documentation proving their status). In cases where the resident died intestate, we will accept a complaint from a Next of Kin (the complainant will need to supply documentation confirming they are the Next of Kin). If the service does not receive information from the complainant that they are either an executor, administrator, or Next of Kin they will not accept a complaint on behalf of a deceased resident.

8.4 The Participation Officer will send the Complaints Pack to the complainant, to the Panel members and any officers, including representatives from Cardo, that will be attending the Panel meeting. The Participation Officer will ensure that invitations to the meeting and background documents are sent to everyone who will attend, including anyone the complainant would like to bring to support them (this could be a McKenzie Friend, a family member, neighbour, friend etc.). The meetings can be held virtually or in real life depending on the preference of the complainant and Panel members. The decision of the Chair is final when deciding whether the meeting is virtual or not.

Commentary / explanation

This is set out in section 3.2, 3.6 and 8.4 of the Housing Services Complaints Policy, however it will be reviewed as part of the Housing Service Complaint's policy, process and procedure by March 2025.

Code provision 3.7

Code requirement

Landlords must provide residents with information on their right to access the Ombudsman service and how the individual can engage with the Ombudsman about their complaint.




Our complaints and neighbourhood services page gives more information.

Complaining to the Housing Ombudsman

The Housing Ombudsman is an independent organisation which deals with disputes between tenants and landlords. The Housing Ombudsman will usually ask you to follow your social landlord's complaints procedure before escalating a complaint to the Ombudsman.

Designated persons

If you want to contact the Housing Ombudsman Service your complaint will first need to be considered by a designated person.

Designated persons can include MPs, local councillors and designated tenants' panels. If you would like information about how to contact or start a tenants’ panel, please contact us.

If you don't have a referral from a designated person

You can refer your complaint directly to the Ombudsman without a referral from a designated person eight weeks after you have completed our internal procedure.

Contact the Housing Ombudsman

Website: Housing Ombudsman website.
Telephone: 0300 111 3000 (lines are open Monday to Friday from 9:15 to 17:15)
Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk 
Address: Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 1484
Unit D
Preston PR2 0ET

Commentary / explanation

Our complaints and neighbourhood services page gives more information. This will be reviewed alongside the Housing services Policy, process and procedure by March 2025.