Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code - self assessment 2024

Section 1 - Definition of a complaint

Code provision 1.2

Code requirement

A complaint must be defined as: “An expression of dissatisfaction/ however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the landlord, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting a resident or group of residents.”




Housing service complaints policy.

2.1 A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service provided, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.    

Commentary / explanation

Slough Borough Council’s complaints policy includes this definition. It is set out in 2.1 of the policy and it has been placed on our website.

Code provision 1.3

Code requirement

A resident does not have to use the word ‘complaint’ for it to be treated as such. Whenever a resident expresses dissatisfaction landlords must give them the choice to make complaint. A complaint that is submitted via a third party or representative must be handled in line with the landlord’s complaints policy.




Housing service complaints policy.

3.4 Complaints will be logged on Intelex and managed in accordance with this policy regardless of whether the resident has specifically used the word ‘complaint’.

3.2 Complaints will be accepted in any way, including (but not limited to):

  • verbally (either by phone or face to face)
  • by email
  • via the council’s website
  • through social media
  • through an advocate, friend or family member where the resident’s authority to do so has been obtained 
  • in writing.

Commentary / explanation

We treat any indication of dissatisfaction as a complaint, and where we may be unsure, we engage with the resident to verify their request.

It is set out in 3.4 of the Housing Service Complaints Policy that complaints will be logged and managed in accordance with the policy regardless of whether the resident has specifically used the word complaint.

This is set out in 3.2 of the Housing Service Complaints Policy.

Code provision 1.4

Code requirement

Landlords must recognise the difference between a service request and a complaint. This must be set out in their complaints policy. A service request is a request from a resident to the landlord requiring action to be taken to put something right. Service requests are not complaints, but must be recorded, monitored and reviewed regularly.




Housing service complaints policy.

2.1 "Please note that service requests (i.e., a resident makes an initial report of anti-social behaviour or requests a repair for the first time) are not complaints. If a service request is not responded to in a reasonable timescale or in a reasonable way, this lack of action or poor standard of response would be considered a complaint."

Commentary / explanation

This is set out in 2.1 of the Housing Service Complaints Policy.

Code provision 1.5

Code requirement

A complaint must be raised when the resident expresses dissatisfaction with the response to their service request, even if the handling of the service request remains ongoing. Landlords must not stop their efforts to address the service request if the resident complains.




Housing service complaints policy.

2.1 If a service request is not responded to in a reasonable timescale or in a reasonable way, this lack of action or poor standard of response would be considered a complaint.

Commentary / explanation

This is set out in 2.1 of the Housing Service Complaints Policy. 

This is standard complaint handling practice.  

Code provision 1.6

Code requirement

An expression of dissatisfaction with services made through a survey is not defined as a complaint, though wherever possible, the person completing the survey should be made aware of how they can pursue a complaint if they wish to. Where landlords ask for wider feedback about their services, they also must provide details of how residents can complain.




MEL Research carried out the 2023 TSM surveys - the statement below was used online and in their telephone script.

Statement included: If you are dissatisfied with the service that has been provided, write to us and let us know. Details of our complaints process and access to the Housing Ombudsman can be found on our website Complaints and neighbourhood services.

Commentary / explanation

A statement was included in our recent Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey giving details of how to make a complaint we will continue to do this going forward.

We are including statement in our feedback forms on our services.