Children and young people's comments and complaints

Happy or unhappy with us? If you’re a child or young person in our care, or a care leaver, please go to the Slough Children First complaints and compliments page to tell us what you think.

I am unhappy - what can I do?

Tell someone you trust. This might be your social worker or support worker, a parent, foster carer, friend, teacher or someone at your review. We know it can be hard to talk about your worries, but if you tell someone they can start to make it better. You might feel that you can’t talk to your social worker or carer, or maybe feel that you have tried to but things still aren’t getting sorted. If this is the case, you can contact the let us know helpline.

Slough Children First complaints

Our friendly Complaints Manager is here to help. They can be contacted on 01753 875825 or email us at