Suggestions, compliments or comments
Suggestion - please tell us if you have an idea about how we could improve our service.
Compliment - let us know if you think we have provided an excellent service or you would like to thank someone.
Contact us - to refer someone for social care services please contact the First Contact Team on 01753 475111 option 1 or email
How to make a complaint
You can do this yourself or someone may be able to do it on your behalf using the adult social care complaints form. You can ask a carer, friend, family member, or another organisation. Council staff can also help. Make sure the person helping you is someone you trust. We would not normally look into complaints about things which happened over a year ago.
What happens when I make a complaint?
When you contact us with your concerns we will:
- acknowledge your complaint within two working days
- ask you from the outset what you want to happen to put things right
- tell you how we are planning to respond to your complaint and the timescale
- arrange for the relevant manager to investigate your complaint
- keep you informed about the progress of your complaint
- put things right for you if we can
- learn from our mistakes to make the service better.
What happens if the complaint is not about SBC?
If you have given us a complaint about another organisation such as the NHS, PCT or Foundation Trust we will offer to pass your complaint to them. In such situations we will ask your written permission to pass your information to the right organisation and refer your feedback to the correct organisation.
What happens if I am still not satisfied with the response?
If you feel that we have not managed to deal with your complaint once it has been concluded in a satisfactorily manner, you can contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is an independent person who investigates many types of complaints about councils once they have been dealt with under the council’s complaint procedure. For more information visit the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman website.
Annual reports
Related information
- Statutory and Corporate Complaints Reports from the last three years (which includes Adult social care complaints).