For general information, advice and support, contact the community development team or visit the SCVS (Slough Council for Voluntary Service).
Setting up a new group
Before you set up a community group you need to be clear what type of activity you want to run and why, including being clear on the purpose and the role of the group. Ask yourself the following questions.
- Is there a real local need for this project or activity?
- What is the aim of the group and what does it want to achieve?
- Who will benefit / who are you targeting? - the local community in general, those with specific needs or a particular age group?
- How will it improve the local neighbourhood, people's quality of life or make a significant positive difference to people's lives?
- Are there any others in the area operating a similar service, planning a similar event or activity?
- How will we get others involved, or are there ways of working with them?
Speak to the community development team on how we can help you with this.