Cippenham Community Centre

Price list

Rooms Registered charity rate Private & semi commercial hire Daytime & Children's Birthday Party rate
Capacity (people)
Main Hall £43.57 £51.26 £39.48 150
Main Hall
Weddings, Celebrations & Parties
- £56.24 - 150
Kitchen £11.33 - - -

Please note:

  • A refundable* deposit is required
    (*refundable subject to no damage to the premises or overstay)
  • Public liability insurance is charged at 5%
  • Charges may vary depending on the type of function
  • Charges are applied for IT equipment, stage and sound system and refreshments at the Community Centre

Key Indicator

Registered Charity Rate:

A Registered Charity organisation is required to meet a minimum of two categories below to receive the Registered Charity group rate.

  • Organisations that have completed Slough Quality Protects at the minimum of bronze level.
  • A non-profit making organisation where profits are dedicated to the community.
  • Voluntary organisations accountable to members or users and are primarily governed by volunteers.
  • The activity is carried out by volunteers and provides a service to the community.
  • The activity commemorates a significant cultural, national or civic event or anniversary.
  • Fundraising for the wider community. Social Enterprise Companies with charitable objectives, who are limited by guarantee and not those who were limited by shares.
  • Registered Charity organisations which operate with a constitution.

Private and Semi commercial hire:

A semi-commercial organisation is required to meet the first criteria below and one other in this section to receive the semi-commercial rate.

  • Small organisations providing services which support Slough Council priorities. These include services and activities which involve:
    • Health and Wellbeing
    • Safer Communities
    • Economy and Skills
    • The Environment
  • Small limited companies providing a service to the local community.
  • Small limited companies which meet the Councils priorities.
  • Classes for which participants pay a charge and where individual people gain financially will be considered in this category.
  • Hire for private profit (in contrast to fundraising for community benefit).
  • Private companies or large businesses.
  • An enterprise that is established for trade or business venture purpose.
  • Activity is solely organised for profit.
  • Individuals running a business.
  • Groups pursuing Party Political Governmental or commercial objectives.