Slough recognises the important role carers provide within Slough’s diverse community, promoting the wellbeing of others. It is crucial they are valued as expert partners and supported to lead as full a life as possible alongside their caring role.
The Slough Carers Support Service moved into SBC on 1 July 2023, and we have received a lot of feedback as a result of that change. The biggest message we received is that Carers voices should be central to any changes in service.
To support this we are developing a Carers Steering Group to inform how the new service develops. The group will be made of people involved in Carer wellbeing. It will meet regularly to oversee and support the revised Carers Strategy action plan to be implemented in a way that makes a real difference to Cares lives.
- The revised Carers Strategy covers the years 2023-2026.
- Slough Adult Carers Strategy 2023-2026 - Report on Progress – Year 1 (section within the Cabinet report pack for 21 October 2024).