Christmas recycling

At Christmas we use an estimated 289,171 tonnes of card packaging, this is enough to cover Big Ben nearly 260,000 times!

Do not put these items in your red recycling bin at Christmas:

Put them in your grey bin instead.

You can continue to recycle cardboard packaging, boxes, plastic bottles, glass bottles, jars, and cans in your red recycling bin. You can also take these items to a recycle bring bank sites or the Chalvey Household Waste Recycling Centre.

Recycle your Christmas tree

Red bin and grey bin with old Christmas tree.If you have a real Christmas tree, consider composting it instead of throwing it away. The Recycle now website has advice on home composting. If you cannot compost it yourself, remove all decorations, stands, netting and pots, then take it, free of charge, to Chalvey Household Waste Recycling Centre. Your tree will then be composted or turned into chippings for mulch to spread on flower beds.

Artificial trees

Artificial trees cannot be recycled. If you are throwing your artificial tree away but it does not fit in your grey bin, take it to the Chalvey Household Waste Recycling Centre.

Top tips for recycling at Christmas

  • Do the scrunch test the scrunch test on wrapping paper - if you can scrunch it and it stays in a ball without springing back, it can be recycled. If it doesn’t stay in a ball, it cannot be recycled as it is lined with plastic.
  • Glitter cannot be recycled – Anything with glitter on must go in your grey bin.
  • Remove sticky tape from wrapping paper before recycling it.
  • If you order anything online, your items may be delivered in boxes or envelopes made from corrugated cardboard. This can be recycled provided you have removed any plastic, polystyrene or tape that came with it.
  • Visit Recycle Now's Local recycling page for more recycling tips.