Eligibility for support
The Household Support Fund (HSF) will be used to support households:
- to provide £15 food vouchers, per week per child, to households in receipt of Free School Meals during school holidays up to 31 March 2025.
- the direct provision of support to care leavers and other vulnerable families.
The remaining fund will provide support to individuals and families who are eligible for assistance through the existing application process.
The scheme is open to all, but we will look to particularly encourage applications from those groups that have missed out on other government support packages.
We encourage applications from groups which may include but is not limited to:
- those who receive non-means tested benefits
- disabled people with increases in utility bills due to usage of equipment or transport costs
- those in receipt of housing benefit only, for example those living in houses in multiple occupation and paying for fuel through meters etc
- people who are entitled to but not claiming qualifying benefits, such as pension credits
- groups vulnerable to rising prices.
You may be eligible even if you are receiving other support if you can show you are still in hardship.
Please check the criteria for the application scheme.