Help with debt

Is your debt decreasing each month or are you finding it increasing? If it is increasing, or you are struggling to make payments then it might be worth seeking help.

Dealing with your debts can be scary however there is a lot that can be done to help yourself. Being open and where necessary, seeking help about your debt is the best start. Ignoring it will only make it worse.


  • Always pay priority debts first e.g. mortgage, rent, gas, electric, council tax.
  • Keep all the correspondence and copies of anything you send and receive organised and filed.
  • Treat all your non-priority creditors equally. e.g. unsecured loans, store cards, credit cards, catalogues, overdraft.
  • Be realistic when you make offers of payment and pay whatever you have offered straight away.
  • Tell your creditors if you can't pay for short periods and keep them regularly updated.
  • If your circumstances change tell the creditors right away. e.g. you or your partner lose your job, or you become ill.
  • Always reply to court papers, keep a copy of your reply and if you are required to attend court, please do so. This can help you and is not always a bad thing.


  • Don't ignore letters from your creditors. Not responding to letters adds to the problem of then trying to negotiate at a later stage.
  • Don’t borrow money to pay off your debts, seek appropriate advice and guidance.
  • Don't delete files or throw hard copies away, you may need these for future reference.
  • Don’t give up if a creditor is difficult and not willing to negotiate. Start paying whatever you have offered straight away.
  • Don’t pay more than what you can actually afford.
  • Don't give the impression you are deliberately ignoring your responsibility.
    • Updating your creditors shows that you want to resolve the matter.
    • Not keeping them updated will give the impression you are deliberately ignoring your responsibility.
    • Make an appointment to see your adviser to re-do your financial statement.