Form time limit
For security reasons there is a time limit on our forms. There is no warning before the time expires, but it does restart when you interact with the site by using ‘Next’, ‘Previous’, ‘Upload a file’ etc. Please note, this does not include typing.
15-minute time limit
If you are not logged in your session will end, and all progress will be lost if you:
- spend longer than 15 minutes on a single page and
- had no interaction with the site within that time.
24-minute time limit with save function
You can register for an account so when you are logged in you can:
- save your responses on a page within 24 minutes by using the ‘Next’ button.
Please note, if you spend longer and don’t use the ‘Next’ button, responses on that page will be lost. All previous pages of the form, where the ‘Next’ button was used, will still be saved
- return to your saved form to complete and submit it at a later time or date.